DNA Business customer service

We are here for you. Contact us or manage your services in self-service when it suits you.

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Corporate Customer Service
Monday - Friday 8 - 16

030 144 099

(When calling from abroad: +358 30 144 099)


When contacting us by e-mail, please state your company's registration number to make sure we can look into your case as swiftly as possible.

Corporate Customer Service

030 144 099

DNA Corporate Customer Service is available 24/7 for the following matters:

  • PUK codes
  • Suspension of lines in case of theft or disappearance
  • Reporting service issues
  • The cost of the call is mpm/mcc

Corporate Sales
Monday-Friday 8-16

0800 302030

Please note that only a named contact person for your company can request changes to your service